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Topics - bbasujon

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 107
Microsoft Office Access / Microsoft Access Function Library: Atn()
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:32:49 PM »
Function: Atn()

Purpose: The Atn() function is used to obtain the arctangent value of a number.

Usage: Atn(number)

Returns: Double containing the angle in radians corresponding to the ratio of two sides of a right triangle specified as number.

Examples and Special Cases

 Atn(1) = 0.785

 Atn(0) = 0

Function: CallByName()

Purpose: The CallByName() function is used to manipulate objects by either executing a method or setting the value of a property.

Usage: CallByName(object, procedure, calltype, args)

Returns: Value returned by procedure.

Examples and Special Cases

CallByName(MyButton, “Text”, vbGet)

Microsoft Office Access / Microsoft Access Function Library: Choose()
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:31:23 PM »
Function: Choose()

Purpose: The Choose() function is used to select an item from a list of arguments.

Usage: Choose(index, item1, item2, …, itemn, args)

Returns: Value of the indexth argument.

Examples and Special Cases

 Choose(1, “apple”, “orange”, “banana”) = “apple”
 Choose(2, “apple”, “orange”, “banana”) = “orange”
 Choose(0, “apple”, “orange”, “banana”) = NULL
 Choose(4, “apple”, “orange”, “banana”) = NULL

Microsoft Office Access / Microsoft Access Function Library: Chr()
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:30:40 PM »
Function: Chr()

Purpose: The Chr() function returns a string containing a character value.

Usage: Chr(code)

Returns: String containing the character corresponding to code.

Examples and Special Cases

 Chr(98) = “b”
 Chr(66) = “B”
 Chr(67) = “C”

Microsoft Office Access / Microsoft Access Function Library: CurDir()
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:29:55 PM »
Microsoft Access Function Library: CurDir() Function: CurDir()

Purpose: The CurDir() function returns a string containing the current working directory.

Usage: CurDir(drive)

Returns: String containing the current working directory for drive. If no drive is specified, it returns the current working directory for the C: drive.

Examples and Special Cases

 CurDir(“C”) = “C:\MYDIR”
 CurDir(“D”) = “D:\YOURDIR”
 CurDir() = “C:\MYDIR”

Microsoft Office Access / Microsoft Access Function Library: CVErr()
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:28:48 PM »
Function: CVErr()

Purpose: The CVErr() function allows the creation of user-defined errors.

Usage: CVErr(error_number)

Returns: Visual Basic error object containing an error number of error_number.

Examples and Special Cases

result = CVErr(2500)

Microsoft Office Access / Microsoft Access Function Library: Date(
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:28:20 PM »
Function: Date()

Purpose: The Date() function provides the current system timestamp.

Usage: Date()

Returns: Variant of type date containing the current system timestamp.

Examples and Special Cases

 result = Date

Microsoft Office Access / Microsoft Access Function Library: DateDiff()
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:26:47 PM »
Function: DateDiff()

Purpose: The DateDiff() function returns the difference between two dates.

Usage: DateDiff(interval, date1, date2)

Interval may be set to:

    yyyy for year
    q for quarter
    m for month
    y for day of year
    d for day
    w for weekday
    ww for week
    h for hour
    n for minute
    s for second

Returns: Number of intervals between date1 and date2.

Examples and Special Cases

 DateDiff("yyyy", "6-Nov-2006", "7-Nov-2006") returns 0
 DateDiff("yyyy", "31-Dec-2006", "1-Jan-2007") returns 1
 DateDiff("d", "6-Nov-2006", "8-Nov-2006") returns 2

Microsoft Office Access / Microsoft Access Function Library: DDB()
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:25:29 PM »
Function: DDB()

Purpose: The DDB() function returns a double value containing the periodic depreciation of an asset using the double-declining balance method (or other method, as specified).

Usage: DDB(cost, salvage, life, period, [factor])

The cost is a double specifying the initial asset value.
The salvage is a double specifying the salvage value of the asset at the end of its life.
The life is a double specifying the useful life of the asset.
The period is a double specifying the length of time in each depreciation period. It must be in the same unit as life
The factor is a variant specifying the depreciation factor. The default value of 2 specifies the double-declining balance method.

Returns: Double containing the depreciation value.

Examples and Special Cases

 DDB(100000,10000,20,1) returns 10,000
 DDB(100000,10000,20,1,3) returns 15,000
 DDB(100000,10000,10,1) returns 20,000
 DDB(100000,10000,10,1,3) returns 30,000

Function: EuroConvert()

Purpose: The EuroConvert() function converts a European currency value to or from Euros, using the European Union's fixed conversion rate.

Usage: EuroConvert(value, source, target)

Value is the currency value (as a number) that you wish to convert.
Source is the currency that you wish to convert from. Value is in this currency. The variable should be a string from the table below.
Target is the currency that you wish to convert to. The variable should be a string from the table below.

Returns: Currency value in target currency.

Examples and Special Cases

 Convert 10 Euros to French francs:
 EuroConvert(10, "EUR", "FRF")

 Convert 25 Italian lira to Euros:
 EuroConvert(25, "IRL", "EUR")

Currency Codes
Belgian francs   BEF
Luxembourg francs   LUF
Deutsche mark   DEM
Spanish peseta   ESP
French franc   FRF
Irish punt   IEP
Italian lira   ITL
Netherlands guilder   NLG
Austrian schilling   ATS
Portugese escudo   PTE
Finnish Markka   FIM

Microsoft Office Access / Microsoft Access Function Library: Exp()
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:24:02 PM »
Function: Exp()

Purpose: The Exp() function returns a Double containing the value of e (2.7182818284590...) raised to the specified power.

Usage: Exp(power)

The input power is a number argument.

Returns: Double corresponding to e raised to the specified power.

Examples and Special Cases


Microsoft Office Access / Microsoft Access Function Library: FV()
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:23:41 PM »
Function: FV()

Purpose: The FV() function returns the future value of an annuity.

Usage: FV(rate, periods, payment, [pv], [type])

The input rate is a Double specifying the interest rate per period.
The input periods is an Integer specifying the total number of payment periods in the annuity.
The input payment is a Double specifying the payment amount ot be made each period.
The optional input pv is the present value of the payments. This value defaults to 0 if not specified.
The optional input type specifies when payments are due. If omitted, a value of 0 (payments due at end of period) is used. You may specify a value of 1 to indicate that payments are due at the beginning of the period.

Returns: Double specifying the future value of the annuity.

Examples and Special Cases

 Compute the future value of an annuity with an annual percentage rate of 12% (1% per period) paid monthly for four years (48 periods) with a $100 payment per period:
 FV(0.01, 48, -100) = 6122.26

Microsoft Office Access / Microsoft Access Function Library: Hex()
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:23:12 PM »
Function: Hex()

Purpose: The Hex() function converts a whole number into a string containing its hexadecimal representation.

Usage: Hex(value)

Value is a numeric or string expression that evaluates to a number. If it evaluates to a decimal number, Hex() rounds it to the nearest whole number prior to conversion.

Returns: String containing the hexadecimal value.

Examples and Special Cases

 Hex(12)= "b"
 Hex(125)= "7d"
 Hex(125.4)= "7d"
 Hex(125.6)= "7e"

Microsoft Office Access / Microsoft Access Function Library: Hour()
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:22:52 PM »
Function: Hour()

Purpose: The Hour() function converts a numeric or string expression containing a time value into an integer between 0 and 23 representing the hour of the day within that time value.

Usage: Hour(time)

Time is a numeric or string value representing a time.

Returns: Whole number between 0 and 23 representing the hour of the day.


Hour("2:14:42 PM") = 14

Microsoft Office Access / Microsoft Access Function Library: IIf()
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:22:17 PM »
Function: IIf()

Purpose: The IIf() function allows the conditional return of different values depending upon whether an expression evaluates to true or false.

Usage: IIf(expression, true_value, false_value)

Expression is the expression you wish to evaluate.
True_value is the value that should be returned if expression is true.
False_value is the value that should be returned if expression is false.

Returns: true_value or false_value.

Examples and Special Cases

 IIf(Weight > 200, "Overweight", "Normal")
Returns "Overweight" for any weight value greater than 200 pounds and "Normal" otherwise.

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