Counter strike is one of the popular first person shooter games for PC. The game roused to popularity early in the midst of this decade. This guide will teach you on how to add new maps in Counter Strike. There are maps that come along with the game, however many gamers have developed their own custom maps for Counter strike.You can download new maps for Counter Strike 1.6 in the following websites.
CStrike-Planet Counter-Strike to add New maps in Counter Strike
Counter Strike Map files usually come in .ZIP format.
Extract the Counter strike map zip file.
The archive will contain a file with the extension .bsp. Copy that file.
Paste the file in ..Program FilesCounter-Strike 1.6Cstrikemaps.
Incase if there was a .txt (Text File ) in the archive, copy that file also in the destination.
Now Run Counter Strike, Select New Game -> Map you just added.
When Counter Strike loads the map for the first time, Counter strike process the following stages learning the map, analyzing hiding spots, analyzing approach points.
The above are one time process, after which the game will store the results in a separate file, so you can play the game from now on without doing the required processes.