Author Topic: iPhone 4: Success or failure?  (Read 4150 times)


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iPhone 4: Success or failure?
« on: February 03, 2012, 08:47:59 AM »
On first glance, the i phone 4’s launch had the potential to turn into a disaster. The failure of the antenna – a brand new metal band around the entire handset – to do its job completely undermined the rest of the positive design features.The band was sensitive to interference whenever it was being held in the hand, and the Apple testers did not catch the problem because they could only test the device under the strictest concealment.

In fairness to Apple, they corrected the problem in all but the earliest models sold, and provided rudimentary cases to those who were still suffering, but it was still a huge blow to a company for whom image is vital and high-profile failure potentially crippling.

Apple’s share in the smartphone market, while still on the rise, has slowed down dramatically in wake of the iPhone 4’s release – a period in which you would expect it to accelerate.It’s almost a shame, since the iPhone represents the biggest leap forward in hardware and software capabilities since the line launched. The HD display and camera, as well as the gyro + accelerometer are all massive improvements on their predecessors.
iphone success iPhone 4: Success or failure?

iPhone Success or Failure

But there are reasons beyond the mismanaged development process. Apple are no longer the biggest dog in the yard when it comes to the smartphone market. Android and BlackBerry are improving all the time, and it is no longer quite so clear cut where the discerning customer will spend their money. This is even true for individuals who are drawn at first by looks and style.

This is compounded by Apple’s insistence on staying at the very top of the price range for phone’s in its category, we all know that we can now get as much for less.Apple stumbled at the wrong moment, and as a result their best phone to date is not getting the attention that it deserves.
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