Notepad++ is no doubt one of the most preferred editor for developers. Unfortunately it does not come up with a Linux version. This tutorial is on how to setup Notepad++ in Linux and write a script to run or edit a file from the Linux terminal directly. The steps I followed can be briefly broken into two tasks 1. Install notepad++ in Linux (I use Ubuntu) using wine 2. Write a Linux script that can invoke notepad++ from any directory in the terminal.
Installing Notepad++ in Linux
Download Notepad++ from here.
Open Wine Directory (home/<user>/.wine.dosdevices/c:) , (In a simpler way you click on Applications Option -> Wine -> Browser C Drive)

Copy the download Notepad++ setup file to the wine directory.
Make the setup file executable by clicking right on the file, select Properties, choose Permissions tab and check the Allow executing file as program option. Click on Ok to save the changes.

Now open the setup file using Wine and install Notepad++. From hereforth you will get the same installation menu that you get in Windows, simply click on the Next buttons. Notepad++ will be installed in Wine.