In most of the WordPress Themes, the Comment Threading fails to work. Inspite of the Option in WordPress for Comment Threading, there are few incompatibility issues with the themes, that displays them in one after other, rather than in the threaded fashion.
To solve this problem, you got to use a plugin called WordPress Thread Comment. This plugin will successfully display the comments in Threaded manner irrespective of the theme that you are using. The plugin comes with an inbuilt CSS , which specifies the style of the reply comments, and uses its own AJAX script to submit comment. With WordPress Thread Comment
There is a minor error with the WP Thread Comment, which they fail to rectify in each of their plugin revision. Whenever you submit a comment in the blog, the AJAX script displays “new comment is submitting please wait a comment“.
hough it is not a major error, but still it matters, so here is the step to fix this WP Thread Comment bug.
Log into your website Dashboard in the “Administrator” (admin) account.
Click on the drop down box in the Plugins Option on the left side banner.

Click on Editor. This will take you to the Plugin Editor Page

As shown in the Image click on the drop down button and select WordPress Thread Comment.

Show above is the file where the text is specified so search(using your browser search option) for “new comment is submiting, please wait a comment” and replace comment in the end to moment.
Let me tell you another secret, the person behind the comment has mis-spelled another word too. Any guess ? Its “submitting” he has written it as “submiting” icon biggrin Wordpress Thread Comment . So please replace that too icon smile Wordpress Thread Comment
Important Note: I‘m not an English teacher. =))
Save the Plugin after editing and Logout from your Dashboard.