Author Topic: Social Bookmarking – Instant Traffic  (Read 1774 times)


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Social Bookmarking – Instant Traffic
« on: February 09, 2012, 07:26:05 AM »
Social Bookmarking., this is the one of the valuable resource that every blogger in the startup misses. That includes me too., at first I use to only write articles, I never participated in the others blogs, I never bookmarked the articles, only me and some of my friends used to visit my site then.

At last I changed the strategy, I started participating in other blogs, I started bookmarking the articles. The magic worked, previously I used to get less than 30 visitors a day and now I get several hundred visitors per day.  And guess what most of the visits are from Social networks, second being Search Engine and finally are direct visits.

been just 4 months since I started ByteChip, the journey of blogging was really amazing. I have learned a lot from Blogging and it made me to find fellow bloggers who turned out to be very good friends. I write this article out of my experience in Social bookmarking sites. If there are any fellow bloggers who have just started or who are inactive in social bookmarking, I suggest you can follow the below.

tumble It – There can’t be a better Bookmarking than this !!

Stumbleupon 300x300 Social Bookmarking Instant TrafficOne of my friend and successful fellow blogger Shrawan Raja from IndianAutosBlog stumbled one of my article 3 months back, that was the first post in ByteChip to get stumbled, a site which I considered to be different from Digg, finally proved that I was wrong. I received more than a hundred visitors from StumbleUpon for that article. And it was the first time, ByteChip got more than 100 visitors in a day. After seeing this, I started submitting each of my post to StumbleUpon. And it has show great response.

One of my article on How to create Bootable USB Linux has now more than 11,000 visitors through StumbleUpon. So I suggest fellow bloggers to use to StumbleUpon. People may think its just another bookmarking site, but I’m telling you StumbleUpon is Instant Traffic generator. If you have luck, you can generate thousands to visitors to your article through SU.
Digg – The more friends you have, the better is Digg

digg 300x288 Social Bookmarking Instant TrafficI have not been active in Digg,. so the friend list in Digg is quite less, Inspite of the many articles I submitted I got few diggs, thats it. But one thing which I really like in Digg, is that it can also generate traffic to your blog, through custom search. When the person who digs searches for a particular topic and you have better number of diggs, bet you will be in their top list. Some of my posts with just 1 digg has earned some 50 visits to my blog last week. But I suggest that if you want to take full advantage of Digg, have a better number of mutual friends in it, because the Digg community works that way. So better submitting anything to Digg, make sure you have a decent number of friends in the list.  (Because its too embarrassing to see posts with just 1 Digg icon biggrin Social Bookmarking Instant Traffic )
Delicious: Not been so delicious for me !!!
delicious Social Bookmarking Instant Traffic

Delicious suck

I started submitting in Delicious in the same time as I started Digg, and the worst thing is that I have not received even a single visitor from Delicious to my site. Man I know that sucks, I tried to search Goolge for my posts in Delicious and it returned a big “Your Search did not match any Documents”,  wow it cannot be great than this, I wasted so much time on submitting to delicious and finally I get a big zero out of it. From that day on, I stopped submitting to delicious.  Digg is far better than Delicious, it atleast shows the search result of your submitted articles in Google. If anyone has got better experience in Delicious, please do share it, because Im planning to quit submitting from delicious, such a waste of time !!!
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