Author Topic: XP 64Bit – The Ultimate OS for multicore processors  (Read 4752 times)


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XP 64Bit – The Ultimate OS for multicore processors
« on: February 03, 2012, 08:20:45 AM »
Own a multi-core processor, well than you must try out the “64bit edition of XP”. An operating system with better performance than the 32bit edition and a larger memory support.

Some people move to 64bit XP to get complete performance of their RAM. You would have noticed this, even if you have put 4 GB RAM in your computer, XP will only show 3.xx GB. This is because 32bit doesn’t support 4GB or larger. So even an 8GB RAM in 32bit is equivalent to 3.xx GB.


    Includes the WOW64 Emulator, which makes it possible to run the applications designed for 32bit architecture.
    The edition is more secure and reliable than the 32bit version.
    Maximum 16GB RAM support whereas in 32bit the maximum RAM that can be supported is 3.xx GB.
    Contains all the management tools that were present in the 32bit edition. In terms of usage there wont be any difference between the 32bit and 64bit architecture.
    Inbuilt with rich set of applications like Media Player 10 and .NET support.
    The 64bit architecture is a boon for people in CAD/CAM and video application industry. Users can see a remarkable difference in performance in these editions.
    Many knew about the Safe Mode “Administrator” vulnerability in XP. While installing XP, we may provide with a username and a password. But there will be default “Administrator” account which can be accessed in Safe Mode. But the 64bit edition overcomes this problem.
    Best performance benchmark for multi-core processors.


    No 16bit application Support
    Bad Support for drivers, especially the old ones. (My webcam doesn’t work on 64 bit icon sad XP 64Bit The Ultimate OS for multicore processors.. )
    Doesn’t support single core. If you own a single core processor, with 4GB or even 16GB, better stick to 32bit XP

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